Quantum Break

Quantum Break: Disponibile l'aggiornamento su PC

Un sacco di risoluzioni e un nuovo scintillante pulsante "Esci".


Microsoft ha annunciato che hanno pubblicato l'aggiornamento tanto atteso per la versione PC di Quantum Break, volta a risolvere i diversi bug che si riscontrano su Windows 10. Il gioco è stato aggiornato la scorsa settimana su Xbox One, ma finalmente anche i giocatori PC potranno finalmente risolvere i problemi che affliggono il gioco.

Di seguito potete leggere (in inglese) la patch note completa:

Quantum Break

General Windows 10 Fixes / Updates:
· Fixed a few Unicode issues that prevented some users from launching the game
· Fixed various keyboard input issues
· Fixed aspect ratio and full screen scaling for non 16:9 resolutions
· Enable Alt+Enter to switch between full screen and windowed mode
· Fixed resolution selection when transitioning from windowed to fullscreen mode
· Fixed frame timing not matching the refresh rate
· Fixed options menu items being clickable even if they're cropped
· Fixed 1 px gaps sometimes visible in the PC keyboard key callout backgrounds
· DRM fixes
· Unlock descriptions for Will Diary 1 and Will Diary 2 are no longer reversed
· Credits fixes
· Fixed Jack's subtitles not showing in some cinematics
· Remedy logo fix
· Fix for a rare bug that accidentally wiped progress after completing the game
· Fixed rare instances of cloud saves failing and causing loss of progress
· Fixes for making Xbox Live integration more fault-tolerant.
· Fixed in-game TV screen images which were sometimes grainy
· Fixed circular progress bar alpha in the junction stats screen
· Fixed rendering issues in the menus
· Fixed issue in renderer when initializing participating media
· Fixed video playback not always ending if the video was synced to audio

Act Fixes/Updates:
· Act 2 Part 1: Fixed Nick pathing issues
· Act 2 Part 3: Added collision on time machine corridor to prevent player's accidentally falling to their death
· Act 5: Fixed last subtitle going by too quickly to read
· Act 5: Fixed missing line in Portuguese audio in an Act 5 cinematic

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Quantum BreakScore

Quantum Break

RECENSIONE. Scritto da Bengt Lemne

Remedy è tornata e questa volta si concentra con il tema del time-travelling, mescolando vari media.

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