
Rilasciata l'ultima patch per le versioni PS3 e Xbox 360 di Destiny

Potrebbero tuttavia esserci delle manutenzioni di emergenza.


Destiny è stato attualmente aggiornato alla versione 2.3.1, il che pone fine al supporto per le versioni Playstation 3 e Xbox 360, essendo questa l'ultima patch prevista per esse. Bungie ha però affermato che eventuali "problemi critici" potrebbero ricevere "manutenzioni di emergenza".

Di seguito la trovate la patch note per la versione 2.3.1 (in inglese):

• Fixed an issue where Solar-based Damage-Over-Time (DoT) effects were dealing half their intended damage
• Fixed an issue where the Intellect stat was not generating the correct amount of Super energy
• Fixed an issue where selecting the Electrostatic Mind perk removed the Super regeneration provided by the Intellect stat

• Exotics: Fixed an issue that prevented the Apotheosis Veil helmet from being accessible in the Exotic Armor Blueprints kiosk

• Fixed an issue that could cause weekly activities from ending earlier than the weekly reset
• Fixed an issue that prevented Legendary Marks from being granted when finishing the "Paradox" and "Lost to Light" missions when they are the featured Daily Story Mission
• Fixed an issue where players with a full Postmaster inventory did not receive the Moments of Triumph book
• Players who did not receive their Moments of Triumph book can now find it in the Postmaster


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