Battlefield 1

Battlefield 1: Disponibile la prima patch

Ecco tutti i dettagli.


Dopo una mattinata di passione, in cui i server sono andati offline per manutenzione, DICE ha reso disponibile la nuova patch di Battlefield 1, disponibile su tutte le piattaforme.

Durante la fase offline, EA e DICE hanno pubblicato la patch note, che risolve diversi problemi riscontrati nel titolo. Eccola in dettaglio di seguito (in inglese):

Battlefield 1

Fix for one common and one uncommon client crash.
Fixed a potential soft freeze in single player campaign connected to AI.
Fixed an issue where players experienced getting stuck in the globe screen when cancelling matchmaking.
Fixed an issue when trying to join multiple servers.
Fixed an issue where players experienced weapon skins not being removed when scrapping items.
Fixed an issue where players were missing "The Insider" Dog Tag.
Tweaked calculations of values in End of Round.
PC: Fixed an occasional crash when a user shutdown the game.
PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced troubles with A and X button functionality on PC while using an Xbox One controller.
PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced crashing while closing the client during streaming installation.
Xbox One: Fix for the "Trench Raider" Dog Tag not unlocking on Xbox One.

Fix for one common and one uncommon client crash.
Fixed a potential soft freeze in single player campaign connected to AI.
Fixed an issue where players experienced getting stuck in the globe screen when cancelling matchmaking.
Fixed an issue when trying to join multiple servers.
Fixed an issue where players experienced weapon skins not being removed when scrapping items.
Fixed an issue where players were missing "The Insider" Dog Tag.
Tweaked calculations of values in End of Round.
PC: Fixed an occasional crash when a user shutdown the game.
PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced troubles with A and X button functionality on PC while using an Xbox One controller.
PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced crashing while closing the client during streaming installation.
Xbox One: Fix for the "Trench Raider" Dog Tag not unlocking on Xbox One.

Fix for one common and one uncommon client crash.
Fixed a potential soft freeze in single player campaign connected to AI.
Fixed an issue where players experienced getting stuck in the globe screen when cancelling matchmaking.
Fixed an issue when trying to join multiple servers.
Fixed an issue where players experienced weapon skins not being removed when scrapping items.
Fixed an issue where players were missing "The Insider" Dog Tag.
Tweaked calculations of values in End of Round.
PC: Fixed an occasional crash when a user shutdown the game.
PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced troubles with A and X button functionality on PC while using an Xbox One controller.
PC: Fixed an issue where players experienced crashing while closing the client during streaming installation.
Xbox One: Fix for the "Trench Raider" Dog Tag not unlocking on Xbox One.

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Battlefield 1

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