Qualcuno potrebbe dire che la Londra del 1868, in cui è ambientato Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, sia davvero incantevole, ma sfortunatamente, a livello tecnico, sembra avere qualche problema. È per questo che Ubisoft Quebec ha voluto risolverli pubblicando una nuova patch, che apporta una serie di migliorie e risoluzioni che ne migliorano la performance.
Se avete già scaricato gli aggiornamenti precedenti, questa patch 1.30 occuperà solo 150 MB e aggiunge tanti importanti migliorie. Eccole in dettaglio direttamente dalla patch note ufficiale di Ubisoft:
Fixed a display issue with add-on price for the Season Pass owners
Fixed an issue where sometimes The Ubisoft Club Rewards couldn't be equipped right after redeeming them
Fixed an issue in the Gang War activity where enemy NPCs would sometimes disappear after eliminating the gang leader
Game System
Fixed an issue where it was sometimes possible to switch gear when the player was not supposed to
Fixed an issue where switching characters could cause two instances of Evie to appear
Fixed an issue where the "Letter from the Front" collectibles would not appear on the minimap
Fixed an issue with the brightness of the map in the "Strange Bed fellows" mission
Fixed some collisions and navigation issues
Fixed some icons issues
Fixed an issue where the Kenway flag model would not appear after obtaining it
Fixed an issue where, in some cases, the player would not always play his hurt animation
Fixed an issue with ally stations that sometimes prevented the player from hiring them
Fixed an issue in the "Change of Plans" mission where the gate from the sewers could be locked, thus blocking the player's progression
Fixed some issues with the player's animations
Fixed some issues where the player could get stuck in specific places
Fixed an issue in the "Darwin kidnapping" mission where, in some cases, the player could not carry him anymore
Improved performance and stability