League of Legends

Bjergsen denies taking performance enhancing drugs

He took to Twitter to discredit recent adverts.


Recently adverts for Synagen IQ have been floating around the internet with Team SoloMid's Bjergsen attached to it, with rumours that he might be suspended for taking the drug, however, the man himself has taken to Twitter to deny this.

Søren "Bjergsen" Bjerg posted on Twitter the message: "Want to make it clear that these paid Facebook ads of me using enhancement drugs and potentially being suspended are all fake," along with a picture of the advert with his likeness on it. A later tweet said: "They're attempting to use my name to sell their dumb product, please report the ad if it pops up on your feed, also working on removing them."

That clears that up then. Did you believe the rumours?

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