Rainbow Six: Siege

Coca-Cola Zero Sugar and Gamereactors esports round-up #24

Including Gamescom, QuakeCon, and more.


Every week Gamereactor works alongside Coca-Cola Zero Sugar to bring you the best of esports news for the week, alongside showing you some of the hottest gear, getting you up to date with tournament results, and providing some interviews with figures in the industry as well.

This week is no different, as there's content from Gamescom and QuakeCon, with the latter providing our interview for this week as well, so don't miss this one, especially since Jake travelled to Texas himself to bring us some coverage!


Testi correlati

Rainbow Six: SiegeScore

Rainbow Six: Siege

RECENSIONE. Scritto da Anders Mai

Il popolare shooter tattico di Ubisoft torna per la prima volta dopo il lancio di Rainbow Six: Vegas 2 del 2008. Siege è davvero quel titolo che i fan della serie stavano aspettando?

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