Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

Smash and Splatoon 2 World Championships coming to E3

The best players in both Nintendo games will descend upon LA for glory, and June 8 is the date to mark on your calendar.


The Nintendo Versus Twitter account - a feed for all things related to competitive gaming with Nintendo games - has revealed that we can expect esports from them at E3 yet again, as the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate and Splatoon 2 World Championships will be in LA.

These will both take places on June 8, with more info promised in the future. Of course this will be slightly different than last year, when we saw pros player Super Smash Bros. Ultimate before it was released. Now the game is out though, so it should attract new competitors and even more action.

Which tournament are you more interested in?

Super Smash Bros. Ultimate

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