
Carpe is sticking with the Philadelphia Fusion for the 2022 season

This will mark his fifth season with the Overwatch League team.


The Philadelphia Fusion is going through a pretty vicious rebuild this offseason, with only two members of its 2021 roster currently on the team. One of those members is the 2020 Rookie of the Year Kyung-bo "Alarm" Kim, and the other is the long-time OWL star Jae-hyeok "Carpe" Lee, who recently re-signed with the Fusion for the 2022 season.

Carpe has been a part of the Philadelphia Fusion since the inaugural season in 2018. This re-signing means that by the conclusion of the 2022 season, Carpe will have played for the Fusion for five years straight, one of the longest continuous active tenures in the league.

As the Fusion currently only has Carpe and Alarm on the roster, we'll definitely be hearing more from the team over the next few weeks, as it looks to complete its rebuild ahead of the next season.


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