Street Fighter X Tekken

SFxT aggiornato

Patch per Street Fighter X Tekken


Uno dei migliori titoli di lotta usciti negli ultimi mesi ha ricevuto un'importante patch. Stiamo parlando di Street Fighter X Tekken, un gioco che ha lottato con forza con dei problemi di bilanciamento, in quanto alcuni personaggi erano in grado di scatenare delle catene infinite di colpi.

L'uso del tempo imperfetto, però, è d'obbligo in quanto a partire da maggio Capcom rilascerà una patch destinata a mettere la parola fine a un buon numero di questi problemi.

Di seguito riportiamo una lista (in inglese) dei problemi risolti con la patch in arrivo:

Kazuya: Restand glitch infinite combo has been removed.
Kuro: cr.MP infinite has been removed.

Xiaoyu: QCB MP infinite has been removed.

Pacman: Hit back on LP and LK has been changed so infinite has been removed.

Jin: Chop Kick Glitch on mid air opponents has been fixed.

When first hit of Kazama Style 6 Hit Combo is a counter hit, Jin is at +2F now.

Ogre: Damage properties of cr.HP have been changed so follow ups are now not possible.

Juri: Senpusha's frames on block have been changed to below:

L ver. stand block -5F

M ver. stand block -10F

M ver. crouch block -10F

Shikusen causes opponents to be pushed back less far when blocked.

Rufus: Falcon Kick (dive kick) properties have been changed:

Hurt box added to his feet and the move no longer crosses up easily.

Frames on block have been modified to -4F

Zangief: Last hit of Quick Double Lariat (3rd hit) will no longer hit crouching opponents.

M.Bison: 5th hit of his Super Art (Knee Press Nightmare) can now be blocked normally.

Jump/lever input bug: Addresed issue where diagonal inputs/jumps did not come out properly.

Throw/Character: Change glitch Fixed a bug for certain characters that allowed for them to get thrown
when initiating a character switch.

Quick Combo: Priority of command inputs has been changed so glitches that came from activating quick combos in the air have been removed.

Street Fighter X Tekken

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Street Fighter X Tekken

RECENSIONE. Scritto da Lorenzo Mosna

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